
Hav’it magazine って?

「Hav’it magazine(ハヴィット マガジン)」は、2018年創刊のウェブメディア。

“Web magazine for have a great Sunday!” をテーマに、あなたの週末をさらに豊かにする、とっておきの情報をお届けします。


Hav’it magazineは、あなたの毎日をもっと楽しくする、“好き”に出会える場所。


ジェンダーレス時代だからこそ注目したい、定番から最新トレンドまで、価値観を揺さぶるあらゆるジャンルのモノ&コトをHav’it magazineならではの視点でセレクト。


Hav’it magazineで、最高の休日を過ごすヒントを見つけてみませんか?

What is Hav’it magazine?

“Hav’it magazine” is an online media launched in 2018.

With the theme of “Web magazine for have a great Sunday!”, we deliver special information that will enrich your weekend.

For example, the silence of the morning as you brew your specialty coffee.

The lively time you spend with friends at a popular spot.

The encounter with your favorite piece of clothing, where you discover something new every time you walk down the street.

Hav’it magazine is a place where you can find what you love and make your days more enjoyable.

Fashion, culture, lifestyle……

In this genderless era, we have selected things and experiences from all genres that will shake up your values, from classics to the latest trends, from Hav’it magazine’s unique perspective.

For those who want to add a little spice to their daily lives.

Why not find some tips for having the best holiday with Hav’it magazine?